As I pack up my last few things and say goodbye to Florence one last time, this final edition of Things I Know For Sure (and final CFN post) is dedicated to the most amazing, thrilling, and unforgettable past 4 months.
Everyone tells you that going abroad will be the best time of your life, and that is definitely true, but going abroad has also been one of the most challenging times of my life. I have learned so many lessons not only about traveling the world, but about myself and life in general, and they are things that I will forever cherish and never forget.
As cliche as it sounds I have left a part of my heart in the 14 countries and 30 cities I have traveled this past semester and I owe it to the places I've seen and people I've met to take what I have learned from each experience and go home, sad to leave, but eager to never stop seeing the world.
I also want to thank my wonderful, hard working, loving, caring (the list goes on and on), Mom and Dad, for making this entire semester possible. You guys have given me the world and I don't know how I will ever thank you enough (or repay you...)! I love you and cannot wait to see you in 16 short hours!
Well, Florence, I guess this is it. Thank you for the best time of my life and for allowing me to call you home these past 4 months.
It's not goodbye, only ciao for now,